Sports Marketing - Jobs Description Project

Sports Marketing:                                                               Chapter 3

Job Description Project


A job description is a quick “snapshot” of a job that employers post to let applicants know about an available job position.  The job description needs to communicate clearly and concisely the responsibilities, tasks, qualifications, credentials and skills required to earn the position.


For this project, you will be responsible for researching a sports career and writing a job description of the career.  Each group may choose a career on a first come basis.  Therefore, no group may do the same career as another.


Attached are two different job descriptions in the sports marketing field that you may use as examples.  You may also use your notes, the internet, or any other additional resources.   


Your job description must be typed and include the following:


1.     Your name.

2.     The name of the team, league, or corporation that is posting the job description.

a.     You can make this up. 

b.    Can be your team name and logo if you like.

3.     Job Title

4.     Department of job

5.     Who the position reports to

6.     Description of job  (at least one paragraph)

7.     Job responsibilities (minimum of 4 responsibilities)

8.     Skills required  (minimum of 4 skills)

9.     Education required

a.     What kind of degree and how many years of experience.

10.  Any additional requirements/skills you put in will be added for extra credit.



You will be asked to present your findings to the class.


Job Description Example 1

Job Description Example 2 

Grading Rubric